The Berkley Community Church women, The Jesus Girls, will be hosting a human trafficking awareness event that will feature the film “Chosen”. “Chosen” tells the story of two “all-American” teenage girls deceived into trafficking. Eighteen-year-old Brianna was an honor-roll student and cheerleader and worked at a local café. Thirteen-year-old Lacy was an active member of her youth group, and a volunteer in her community.
Both were manipulated. Both were exploited. Both were chosen.
Berkley Community Church women and friends (21 and older please) are invited to attend this event in the BCC “Garage” to learn what they can do to protect our youth and to prevent human trafficking. Kathy Maitland, Director of the Michigan Abolitionist Project will join us to share more about human trafficking and the work of the Michigan Abolitionist Project http://
Fair trade coffee and tea will be provided. Bring a snack to share if you would like. Please feel free to invite others or bring a friend! For map and more info: