2023 Annual Statewide Human Trafficking Summit Follow-Up

It’s been almost a month since the 2023 Statewide Human Trafficking Summit. The Michigan Abolitionist Project and Vista Maria co-hosted this event with the Michigan Human Trafficking Commission. What an impactful day it was to gather virtually and in-person with over 250 professionals, organizations and advocates for the same mission of coming together to learn Best Practices for Working with Trafficked Persons in Michigan.

We began with a warm welcome by MAP’s new Executive Director Dawn Ames. Next, Kelly Carter (Chair of the Michigan Human Trafficking Commission) gave an update on the Commission and introduced a document that the Commission reviewed and approved titled “The Guiding Principles for Agencies Serving Survivors of Human Trafficking.” Kelly moderated a discussion between service providers about how they implement these Guiding Principles in their work. We heard from Healthcare, Law Enforcement, the Ruth Ellis Center, Vista Maria and Sanctum House. We were grateful for the many insights and challenging thoughts that were brought up during this panel.

Handout: The Guiding Principles for Agencies Serving Survivors of Human Trafficking

After a quick break Session Two began. Leslie King-Friday moderated the discussion between fellow Survivor Leaders Alice Jay and Brigette Henderson on “Integrating the Survivor’s Voice in Michigan’s Anti-Trafficking Movement.” They shared openly and honestly about their experiences with service providers and advocates. They helped shed light on and define re-victimization. They brought up many good and thought-provoking questions for us to continue conversations about after the conference. Thank you Leslie, Alice and Brigette for the love and care you have for people who are trafficked in Michigan and the ways you are using your experiences to make a difference!

Handout: Principles of Survivor Engagement in the Anti-Trafficking Field 

Lunch break gave space for networking. We hope that you were able to come away having met someone new.

Here is the Attendee Roster for this year.

The last session was moderated last minute by Kelly Carter as Elizabeth Moon Carter was unable to attend. We were thankful to hear about the new Data Collection Categories sheet that the Commission has put together in order to begin collecting data on Human Trafficking in Michigan. Kelly was joined by Kris McNeill from Measurable Change. Though the project is still in it’s infancy we are encouraged to see that Michigan has created a Framework to collect data and help us better understand the scope of trafficking here and how we can best help prevent trafficking, offer exit strategies and aid in the recovery process.

Handout: Data Categories

*Please submit forms to: Data Collection (michigan.gov)

Then Dawn wrapped the Summit up with an encouragement to continue conversations afterwards and exhorted us as professionals, organizations and advocates working in the Anti-Trafficking Field to continue to work hard and use the Guiding Principles and what we have learned this year to impact our work and those around us.

Thank you for joining us!



*As a follow-up to the Summit we are hosting the 1st Freedom Coalition meeting of 2023 on February 28th and will be hearing from Bridgette Carr of the University of Michigan Law Clinic and Lab.

Register here.

Abolitionist Program 2.0 Launch!

We are excited to announce the 2nd installation of our digital training series. The Abolitionist Program 2.0 is available to you today for FREE!

The first version focused on the basics of Human Trafficking: who, what, where, when, why, etc. This version was created with the hopes of getting under the surface and seeing different aspects of trafficking that have maybe not been recognized before, or that are helpful to learn more about. This is why we chose to use the iceberg as our logo. You will notice this on every email and social media post as a reminder that we are starting to look at the bigger picture of Human Trafficking.


Series topics include: Labor Trafficking (Domestic and Global), the Beauty Industry, Human Trafficking Legislation and Legislative Frameworks, Sex Trafficking and Pornography, Survivor Support for Advocates, and Prevention strategies.

Register today!


If you haven’t gone through the 1st version yet, start there!

Cup of Hope: Back to School Edition

It’s August!

As we think ahead to school starting in a few weeks, we want to help you and the kids in your life feel more safe and confident on the internet. This month Cup of Hope will post every Wednesday with resources that will help equip you and your kids to navigate the digital world. Click on each line to be directed to the resource.

Week One: Get Prepared

Week Three: Online Gaming


Week Four: Sexting/Sextortion

Resources for Parents: Facts and Tipsheets!

Resources for Youth: Tipsheets & Videos!

Week Five: Online Pornography

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation ( NCOSE )

-NCOSE offers a wide range of recommended educational resources pertaining to sexual exploitation, including pornography. They are also a leading organization for policy reform & targeted campaigns related to pornography.

Your Brain on Porn

-Learn more about the science & psychology of porn addiction. Your Brain on Porn is an extensive collection of expert & peer-reviewed research on the impact of porn on the brain & human behaviors.

Critical Porn Analysis | Youth Wellbeing Project 

-An educational framework that responds to the researched harms of porn as a public health crisis. Critical Porn Analysis moves beyond the micro focus of how individuals interact with porn, to comprehensively consider its effect on individuals’ safety, health & wellbeing, relationships, families, communities, & cultures.

Defend Young Minds

-“Good Pictures Bad Pictures” children’s books, downloadable guides to help parents talk to kids about pornography, up-to-date parenting articles, free webinars, & more.

Culture Reframed

-Helps educate parents about the hypersexualized media & online pornography that children are exposed to today, as well as Provides guides on how to talk to your kids about it.

Protect Young Eyes

-Free resources for parents & kids, including an app for parents with OVER 500 digital safety lessons

Educate and Empower Kids

-Resources for parents + educators on how to help youth navigate the digital age. books for kids & parents, educational resources, & programs (also available in Spanish)

-Watch #RefuseToClick on YouTube for the connection between Human Trafficking and Pornography


Thanks for joining us this month. We hope these resources have been helpful for you and the youth in your life!

MAP Executive Director, Kathy Maitland to Retire this Fall

Immediate Release

Michigan Abolitionist Project (MAP) Executive Director, Kathy Maitland to Retire this Fall

(Dearborn Heights, MI) – Michigan Abolitionist Project in partnership with Vista Maria is pleased to announce the retirement of its Executive Director, Kathy Maitland. Kathy Maitland has faithfully developed and led the organization for more than nine years and now is ready to guide the process to identify a successor. Following the search and selection process, Kathy will set her sights on a well-deserved retirement and spending more time with her family and travel.

Vista Maria and the Michigan Abolitionist Project (MAP) formed a strategic alliance to strengthen their antihuman trafficking efforts by way of expanding awareness, improving training, and advocating on behalf of trafficking survivors. Maitland and the Board of Directors identified the successful selection of the future Executive Director of Michigan Abolitionist Project (MAP) as a key priority in 2021 and 2022.

The strategic alliance between Vista Maria and MAP has delivered great social impact. Maitland states that, “Ultimately we created a strategy that helped us better achieve our goals and objectives. MAP has already grown on its own yet now we have set a strategic position setting the stage for sustained progress.”

CEO and Co-founder for Center for Justice, Rights & Dignity, former MAP board president and now Vista Maria board advisor, E. Christopher Johnson, Jr. said, “MAP’s development has continued to flourish under Kathy’s leadership … Now we have the task of finding a new Executive Director, I won’t even pretend to say we are going to replace Kathy because she is irreplaceable.” He continued in his announcement to the board of directors, “Due to Kathy’s many accomplishments during her remarkable tenure, our new Executive Director will have a wonderful opportunity to build on and capitalize on all of Kathy’s outstanding work. This is also an exciting opportunity for Vista Maria to bring in new leadership and new ideas.”

Maitland will be part of the selection committee for MAP’s successor and states “I have had the privilege of working to help fulfill the mission. In this time, the organization has accomplished more than I could have imagined. I am proud to have helped MAP become a trusted force for good in the anti-trafficking movement. My staff will continue in their roles, supporting community groups, building our presence across Michigan, providing training, and increasing advocacy efforts and support for human trafficking survivors. The staff, our partners and our network of volunteers are the heart and foundation of MAP, and this important work continues on.”

Although retiring from her role as Executive Director in September of this year, Maitland will remain active as a Commissioner on the Michigan Human Trafficking Commission and will continue to advocate for victims and heroic survivors across the state.

About Michigan Abolitionist Project (MAP):

Our Mission: We are growing the movement of people and organizations working to prevent and end human trafficking in Michigan and beyond.

Our Focus: We aim to educate, engage and eradicate human trafficking.

About Vista Maria:

Our Mission: We foster restorative relationships and deliver innovative care, treatment, and education so that vulnerable youth and families believe in their worth, heal and build the skills for success.

Our Vision: All children, families and communities achieve success through continuous learning and relationships that promote personal, professional and family well-being.

Visit www.vistamaria.org for additional information.

For more information or to schedule an interview with Vista Maria’s President and CEO contact: Jennifer Golabek, Marketing/Brand Fidelity Manager at (248) 914-0742 or jgolabek@vistamaria.org

Men Who Buy Sex – Everybody Pays

MAP is proud to support the efforts of the Wayne County Medical Society Foundation in the production of this film. Please view and share…

Men Who Buy Sex from Rich Jackson on Vimeo.

Human Trafficking Legislation

We were thankful to have Hassan Beydoun as a guest speaker at our Freedom Coalition meeting in February. Hassan is the Senior Advisor and Counsel for the City of Detroit Mayor, a Commissioner on the Michigan Human Trafficking Commission and has provided counsel to the Michigan House since 2013. He gave us a detailed explanation of the current package of bills in the Michigan House Judiciary Committee and how we can be active advocates right now!

Click the button below to watch the meeting…


As of today (Feb 23, 2022), the bipartisan package of bills that were recommended by the Michigan Human Trafficking Commission are awaiting approval in the House Judiciary Committee. We would like to see them move out of the Judiciary Committee and into a vote as soon as possible!

Bills included in the human trafficking package are HB 4091 through HB 4113, HB 4214, and HB 4215. Each of these can be reviewed by searching the bill number on the Legislature’s website, or click here to read the full article from the Department of the Attorney General.

In summary, the bills fall under 4 main categories:

  •  Strengthening Tools to hold Traffickers Accountable,
  • Expanding Protections for Victims of Trafficking,
  • New Commercial Sexual Activity Statute, and
  • Expanding Training Standards

Below is the list of the Representatives who sit on the Judiciary Committee. We encourage you to reach out to the committee members and let them know how you feel about these bills and urge them to move the bills forward to a vote!

Representatives on the Judiciary Committee

Easy to copy:

GrahamFiller@house.mi.gov; MikeMueller@house.mi.gov; davidlagrand@house.mi.gov; BethGriffin@house.mi.gov; StevenJohnson@house.mi.gov; BronnaKahle@house.mi.gov; DaireRendon@house.mi.gov; RyanBerman@house.mi.gov; TCClements@house.mi.gov; tenishayancey@house.mi.gov; kyrabolden@house.mi.gov; karahope@house.mi.gov; KellyBreen@house.mi.gov

Human Trafficking Awareness Month 2022

Thank you for joining us on our various Social Media Platforms this month! We are grateful to be able to use these different outlets to help educate and bring awareness to you and your communities about Human Trafficking. Below you will find a list of the resources we have mentioned in our posts this month. We would encourage you to make your way through the list this year. The more we know, the better informed we are and the better we can do at addressing human trafficking in Michigan!

Day 1&2:


Day 3:

Podcast series

Abolitionist Program

Day 4:

Reading List

Day 5:

Cup of Hope with Karen Hanks

Polaris Article on Human Trafficking Rumors

Day 6:

Key Legislation paper from DOJ

Cup of Hope with AAG Kelly Carter

Day 7:

Podcast about Legislation

Article about the current Bills in the House from the AG’s office

Find your Michigan House Representative

Day 8:

Michigan Human Trafficking Commission website

Day 9:

Read the article about Traffickers from the Human Trafficking Hotline

Listen to our podcast on “Who are the Traffickers?”

Day 10:

Listen to our podcast “Who Are the Victims of Human Trafficking?”

Day 11:

Read “Understanding Victim Mindsets” article

Read “Why didn’t I just leave my trafficker?” article

Day 12:

Watch Very Young Girls documentary

Watch Trafficked In America Episode 9

Day 13:

Read the Polaris study on Typology of Modern Slavery

Listen to our Podcast “Different Types of Trafficking”

Day 14:

Listen to our Podcast “Signs and Indicators of Human Trafficking”

Day 15:

Go to the Human Trafficking Hotline website

Add the Hotline number to your phone: 888-373-7888

Day 16:

Read “Human Trafficking Around the World: Hidden in Plain Sight”

Day 18:

Go to our Events page to find out what’s going on in your community and if there is anything you can attend!

Day 19:

Read the 2020 Analysis of Data from Polaris

Cup of Hope episode “Safely Navigating the Digital Landscape” with David Mehy

Start following Protect Young Eyes on Social Media

Day 20:

Read the study by Thorn on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking

If you see Child Sexually Abusive Material go to: cybertipline.org to report it!

Day 21:

Read some articles at traffickinghub.com

Read the Avery Center report on OnlyFans

Read the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons-Traffickers Use of the Internet

Listen to our podcast on Online Enticement and Commercial Sexual Exploitation

Day 22:

Watch a movie on Human Trafficking


Very Young Girls

The True Cost

Raised on Porn

Trafficked in America

Day 23:

Get involved with MAP!

Join our next Volunteer Interest Meeting

Join a Community Group in your area

Sign up for the Abolitionist Program

Day 24:

Watch Stop This Traffic

Day 25:

Read Becoming a Part of the Solution: First Steps to Ethical Shopping

Day 26:

Read article about Labor Trafficking in Michigan

Day 27:

Read The Illicit Massage Industry at a Glance from Heyrick Research

Day 28:

Stay tuned for the download of our Annual Summit

Day 29:

Learn more about our co-hosts from the Summit and what they’re doing in their areas

SEE. Solutions to End Exploitation

The Joseph Project

Days 30-31:

If you have any questions or comments reach out to: info@map-mi.org

We’d love to hear from you!

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Becoming a Part of the Solution: First Steps to Ethical Shopping

10 steps to help you start thinking and shopping ethically…

The world of ethical shopping can feel SO overwhelming when you first start out!  We are writing this blog with you in mind and hoping to give you some practical “baby steps” you can take to get started on this journey. 

If you are reading this, we assume that you have become aware of the complexities found within the supply chains of the products we buy, most important to our cause, slavery.  Slavery can take on many forms such as child labor, forced labor, or debt bondage.  

The supply chains from first tier basic materials to end tier final product can be incredibly complex and hard to trace, especially given our global economy.  Because they can be so far-reaching there is ample space for exploiters to take advantage and make a profit off of those who are most vulnerable.   

THIS is why we care about ethical shopping.  THIS is why we hope to one day see a world where every supply chain can be traced, where relationships between farmers, factory owners and the “brand” are real and trusted. 

Supply always follows demand.  If the demand for ethical products and traceable supply chains goes up, so will supply. Simply by choosing to purchase differently you are making an impact in this world and helping to abolish slavery.  We think that is SO COOL, and one of the easiest ways to be a part of the anti-trafficking movement. 

You might be thinking, “EASY? Are you kidding me?  Everywhere I look I see slavery now! I’m afraid to buy anything and feel paralyzed.  I’m so overwhelmed and don’t know what to do.” 

First of all, you are not alone, this is completely normal.  And honestly, we are glad that you feel this way. It shows that you understand the significance of what is going on and that you want to be a part of the solution and not continue to feed the problem.   

Annnnnd…we’re here to help!  We want to give you some easy steps that you can take to start navigating this new world.  

Step One: Watch “The True Cost” documentary and/or visit slaveryfootprint.org to learn more

Step Two: Start asking yourself “Who made this?” Could be your clothes, furniture, food…start getting into a practice of asking yourself this.  It will help when you enter stores, if the first question you think is “who made this?” It will significantly impact what you buy, and also help you to eradicate slavery from the products you purchase. 

Step Three: Get to know the different certifications: Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, GOTS, etc. 

Step Four: Browse the websites of products you love and see if you can find if they are transparent about their supply chain and what their policies are for employees, specifically in countries where the goods are manufactured or harvested. If a company cares about transparency, they want you to know and will make it clear on their website! It probably has cost the company in time and money to choose to source, supply and employ ethically, so they will make it known if they are doing it!  

When you go to the website scroll to the bottom of the website and click on the “About Us” section they will say something there. Or, they might even have a whole page dedicated to their ethical standards, transparency, ways they treat their employees and what they are doing to ensure that slavery is not in their supply chains. 

Step Five: Start following social media accounts that will increase your awareness and empower you in your growth. Even just having an account as a part of your normal scrolling will remind you whenever you are on social media about ethical shopping. 

Step Six: Browse some of these shopping guides to familiarize yourself with ethical brands 





Step Seven: Go buy something! Just try it out. If you want the easy way, buy something online.  If you’re up for a challenge already, go to your local grocery store and find something fair trade! 

Step Eight: Evaluate.  What was it like for you to buy this way? What are barriers for you to continue purchasing this way? 

Step Nine: Go slow. Ethical shopping purposefully goes against FAST fashion and FAST buying. You do not need to go out and replace everything you own with something that is ethically made.  Choose to add purposely.  When you need something new, make the choice to find it ethically.  This WILL require extra time on your part, especially in the beginning as you get to know brands and certification labels, but the extra time is worth it! Remember, each ethical purchase you make, increases the demand for products made in this way.  This is one way you are helping to reduce labor abuses and make a difference in the world. 

Step Ten: Send emails to companies that are not transparent about their supply chain and who do not make a point to highlight their care of employees in all levels of business. Ask them about where their factories are located and what wages they give to employees. Do employees get time off? Are they compensated for overtime? What is the companies stance on ethical business practices? 


There you go! 10 steps to help you start thinking and shopping ethically. We hope this is helpful. Please comment and let us know what you learn as you go through the steps, and if there’s anything you think we should add!