The MAP Ann Arbor Community Group will meet the 4th Sunday of each month (excluding November & December)
The September meeting will be September 24th, 1-4pm
Lifepoint Church | 3980 Research Park Drive | Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Label-Up Event
Join us to learn about the initiative MAP has spread statewide labeling human trafficking rescue stickers in public areas, why it works and join us in labeling Washtenaw County. We will also have group introductions, review the structure of our meetings, create goals and provide updates from the MAP regional meeting.
1-2 MAP meeting
2-230 Guest speaker Marilyn from Livingston county MAP presents on the rescue sticker initiative
230-3 Training for rescue sticker outreach
3-4 Rescue sticker outreach in the community
Please sign up to receive newsletters and reminders for the Ann Arbor Group.
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