Tag Archive for: ListenToSurvivors

Human Trafficking Awareness Month Reading List 2022

It’s Day 4 of Human Trafficking Awareness Month and we are grateful to have you with us as we share resources and help to equip you and your communities to bring awareness to human trafficking!

Today we are highlighting the CRITICAL importance of listening to Survivors and making sure that their voices are leading the way and shaping how we think about Human Trafficking.  This is their lived experience and they are the experts. May we never stop learning from these women, children, and men.

We would encourage you to read any of these books, which are written by women who are survivors. (click on the book to take you to a link to purchase it)

Girls Like Us-Rachel Lloyd

Out of the Darkness-Alice Jay

The Slave Across the Street-Theresa Flores

In Pursuit of Love-Rebecca Bender

When Angels Fight-Leslie King

Any others that have been impactful for you?

We would also encourage you to follow them and/or their organizations on Social Media!

Lastly, let us remember that not all Survivors want to be public figures, or want to be specifically known and introduced as “survivor of human trafficking”. There are women, men, and children who are survivors of trafficking all around us, but who wish to keep that part of their story to themselves, or just those they choose to share it with. And some are not ready to share it yet. We respect that, and hope you will join us in that too!

For service providers, Task Forces and anyone who is interested in having a lived experience expert come share at an event, please check this resource out that the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons put out as a guide for Engaging Survivors.
